
Transform Your Data into Insights with Advanced Reporting

BEONx offers advanced reporting capabilities that transform raw data into meaningful insights. With customizable dashboards and intuitive visualizations, you can easily track key performance indicators (KPIs) and monitor your hotel’s performance in real time.

Gain Strategic Insights with Advanced Reporting

BEONx’s RMS provides in-depth analysis of trends, forecasts, and operational metrics, enabling you to identify opportunities for growth and optimization. By automating data collection and reporting processes, we ensure that you spend less time on manual tasks and more time strategizing for your hotel’s success. With comprehensive reporting at your fingertips, making data-driven decisions has never been easier.


+ 6-15%

Our clients achieved a 6-15% increase in RevPAR, transforming their revenue potential into exceptional results.

Streamline processes

BEONx enables hotels to streamline their revenue management processes, enhancing efficiency and driving profitability.

Keep up with the latest news on hotel profitability


Discover how leading hotels and resorts thrive with BEONx.

Trusted by leading hotel groups and independent hotels across the world

Unlock your potential

Speak with one of our dedicated hotel experts and get started on your journey to sustainable profitability.

Unlock your potential

Speak with one of our dedicated hotel experts and get started on your journey to sustainable profitability.

Exp.: 08/22/SA/0012 . Línea 2022 Expansión internacional de Pymes.
Expansión internacional de las PYMES de la Comunidad de Castilla y León
Objetivo: “Conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo”
Actuación subvencionada: Participación en la feria FITUR (Madrid, Enero 2023)

Exp.: 03/18/SA/0022 Línea: Fomento de la innovación en Pymes
Proyectos de innovación en en ámbito tecnológico de las Pymes
Descripción del proyecto: Diagnóstico de ciberseguridad y seguridad IT de la plataforma SAAS de Beonx

Exp.: 07/18/SA/0015. Línea: Desarrollo de la Industria TIC
Proyectos de desarrollo de las TIC en Pymes
Descripción del proyecto: Smart Hotel Distribution for General Purpose: Nueva solución de Revenue Management System
para la optimización de la distribución en la venta de habitaciones de hotel.