At BEONx we are analytical and quantitative by nature, we see technology as an investment, not an expense. We offer an artificial intelligence solution, and we like to ensure the ROI when a hotel or chain chooses to trust BEONx.
We know that it is not always easy to change organizational habits. We also understand what happens when you are able to track distribution costs and how the facility learns to readjust its efficiency after working with an RMS.
If the words are not supported by quantified data, they are of little use, especially if you are working with an RMS. We would like to share some experiences and results that BEONx has achieved over the years.
With more than 2,000 hotels at present, we think it would be interesting to share Hotel Bécquer’s success story and the steps they have taken to increase their success rate and how they have clearly opted for the automation of processes related to Revenue Management and have found in BEONx a great ally that is allowing them to achieve the objectives set and improve their ratios considerably.