Excellent reception on the Colombian Caribbean coast by the hotel industry in the two days organized by BEONx.
The first day was last Wednesday October 16 where we had full capacity at the breakfast meeting organized with Roiback and Revenue Hotel Consultant.
The event took place at the Hotel Caribe by Faranda Grand in Cartagena de Indias and the speakers spoke about the importance of technological innovation in hotel management.
Our Country Manager in Colombia, Cristina Villegas, spoke about the importance of the use of technological tools to respond to market needs and the specific case of a Revenue Management system to optimize hotel performance with practical cases and different scenarios applying the most correct decisions to get more profitability.
The second event was last Thursday 17 in the headquarters of ASOTELCA (Colombian Hotel Association) where about 25 hoteliers met to learn the importance of the culture of revenue management in Colombia and the importance of internal digital transformation to adapt to current market needs.
Both events demonstrate the importance for the Colombian hotel industry of knowing the current trends and the necessary technological tools to be able to face the daily challenges and get the most out of its tool.
It also highlighted the need for qualified training for revenue manager professionals to help them know the tools available and get rid of daily operations and focus on the strategy of your business to get the most out of it.
Cristina Villegas was also able to present BEONx Academy which aims to help hotel professionals grow and keep up with market trends through small online training pills so they can improve their results and achieve greater skills in the field of revenue management.