Hotel Isla Mallorca optimises its results with BEONx

Hotel Isla Mallorca optimises its results with BEONx

Hotel Isla Mallorca optimises its results with BEONx

Discover how the implementation of BEONx’s RMS has improved processes and optimised decision-making for greater profitability at Hotel Isla Mallorca.

Discover how the implementation of BEONx’s RMS has improved processes and optimised decision-making for greater profitability at Hotel Isla Mallorca.

Discover how the implementation of BEONx’s RMS has improved processes and optimised decision-making for greater profitability at Hotel Isla Mallorca.


Hotel Isla Mallorca

The implementation of BEONx’s RMS has led to improved processes and optimised decision making for greater profitability of the establishment.

Hotel Isla Mallorca

The implementation of BEONx’s RMS has led to improved processes and optimised decision making for greater profitability of the establishment.

The implementation of BEONx’s RMS has led to improved processes and optimised decision making for greater profitability of the establishment.


The hotel

The Hotel Isla Mallorca & Spa is a 162-room hotel located in Palma de Mallorca, aimed at both the city and holiday segments. With a wide variety of rooms, ranging from 18 to 50 square metres, classified in different categories, the hotel also has multi-functional conference rooms, restaurant, cafeteria, terrace area with garden and swimming pool and an urban Spa centre.


The Challenge

The Isla Mallorca team was faced with the need to improve their results by improving strategic decision making. To do this, they needed to unify all the information on the hotel’s performance, and to have access to competitors’ strategies from a single platform.

The solution

After a visit to the company’s stand at FITUR the Isla Mallorca Revenue Management team decided to start working with BEONx’s RMS.

They chose BEONx mainly because of its ease of use. From the very first moment they found it to be an intuitive, easy-to-use tool, where they could find all the information they needed to make Revenue Management decisions. The integration of the RMS with the different software used by the hotel makes it possible to have access to all the data at a glance.


With the revamped Recommendations functionality, the RMS has been taken to a new level: on days when you have little time to devote to Revenue, you can be guided by BEONx’s recommendations without feeling that you are missing opportunities to optimise your sales.”, – Lucía Serra, Revenue Manager at Isla Mallorca Hotel & Spa.

The Results

The implementation of BEONx’s RMS has improved the Revenue Management work in different aspects:

  • Optimising time and processes, by reducing the operational work time of collecting data and cross-checking information from different sources.
  • Increased responsiveness to changes in demand, making it possible to make urgent adjustments when necessary, and to make decisions based on quality data.
  • Facilility to transmit information to work teams without the need for manual reporting.

The support of BEONx’s team of revenue managers was key to getting the project off the ground, especially during the integration phase with the PMS, as some adjustments to the strategy had to be made. The implementation turned out to be a smooth and quick process.

I would recommend implementing it as soon as possible. Every day that goes by is a day you lose the opportunity to maximise your revenue.”, – Lucía Serra, Revenue Manager en Isla Mallorca Hotel & Spa.

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“Beonprice has not only helped us in a technological way, but also in a human way. The support and understanding of the people who make up Beonprice, especially during the difficult times we have gone through in recent years, has been exceptional. The team is remarkable.” – 

Pedro Pavón,  Revenue

Management Director at Casual Hoteles.

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