Knowing who’s who of the hotel industry

Knowing who’s who of the hotel industry

Knowing who’s who of the hotel industry

Next Wednesday 27th of November will be held in A Coruña a forum organized by Horwath HTL, called "Who's who of the hotel industry?"

Next Wednesday 27th of November will be held in A Coruña a forum organized by Horwath HTL, called "Who's who of the hotel industry?"

Next Wednesday 27th of November will be held in A Coruña a forum organized by Horwath HTL, called "Who's who of the hotel industry?"


Knowing who's who

Julia Rey, manager of BEONx Academy will participate in the colloquium along with other professionals from the hotel industry such as Yolanda Argüelles Country Account Manager of Mirai, José Yudici, Chief Commercial & Development Officer of Blau Hotels, Juanjo Bande, expert in Airbnb and Alba Alvarez, director of the Carrís Marineda hotel.

Knowing who's who

Julia Rey, manager of BEONx Academy will participate in the colloquium along with other professionals from the hotel industry such as Yolanda Argüelles Country Account Manager of Mirai, José Yudici, Chief Commercial & Development Officer of Blau Hotels, Juanjo Bande, expert in Airbnb and Alba Alvarez, director of the Carrís Marineda hotel.

Next Wednesday 27th of November will be held in A Coruña a forum organized by Horwath HTL, called “Who’s who of the hotel industry?” where we will analyze the novelties and the future of the hotel sector as a result of the latest events.

Julia Rey, manager of BEONx Academy will participate in the colloquium along with other professionals from the hotel industry such as Yolanda Argüelles Country Account Manager of Mirai, José Yudici, Chief Commercial & Development Officer of Blau Hotels, Juanjo Bande, expert in Airbnb and Alba Alvarez, director of the Carrís Marineda hotel.


10:00 h. Start

11:00 h. Coffee Break

12:30 h. End of the day

The event is aimed at hoteliers and properties, and is focused to be able to interact with panelists and raise questions and queries that arise.

If you are interested to attend, register here


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“Beonprice has not only helped us in a technological way, but also in a human way. The support and understanding of the people who make up Beonprice, especially during the difficult times we have gone through in recent years, has been exceptional. The team is remarkable.” – 

Pedro Pavón,  Revenue

Management Director at Casual Hoteles.

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