BEONx’s artificial intelligence boosts TRH Hotels’ profitability

BEONx’s artificial intelligence boosts TRH Hotels’ profitability


BEONx has successfully implemented its revenue management solution in TRH Hoteles, specialized in the vacation and urban segment in Spain.


Thanks to BEONx’s artificial intelligence technology, TRH Hoteles will be able to know at all times the best price to market its rooms through the HQI algorithm, which allows to analyze the quality of the hotel compared to the competition, and a demand prediction system capable of anticipating tourist trends up to 365 days.


TRH assures that “the collection and interpretation of the information will facilitate decision making and, therefore, the improvement of results, optimizing the Hotel’s profitability, making everything much more under control, in addition to having it systematized”.


BEONx’s revenue management technology is based on the HQI (Hotel Quality Index), a disruptive element of artificial intelligence that makes it possible to simulate the behavior of each person taking into account the price, the quality of the property and the competitive set, with the aim of maximizing the hotel’s revenue per room.

In addition, thanks to its dual segmentation, BEONx enables hoteliers to improve RevPAR and occupancy rates simultaneously.


“With this tool we make our operating account more profitable, from the point of view of the revenue department, in addition to having the ability to compile and analyze all the information, as well as manage rates by offering the best options, optimizing the hotel’s operation,” says Antonia Valero Nicolás, head of the revenue department at TRH Hoteles.

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Exp.: 08/22/SA/0012 . Línea 2022 Expansión internacional de Pymes.
Expansión internacional de las PYMES de la Comunidad de Castilla y León
Objetivo: “Conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo”
Actuación subvencionada: Participación en la feria FITUR (Madrid, Enero 2023)

Exp.: 03/18/SA/0022 Línea: Fomento de la innovación en Pymes
Proyectos de innovación en en ámbito tecnológico de las Pymes
Descripción del proyecto: Diagnóstico de ciberseguridad y seguridad IT de la plataforma SAAS de Beonx

Exp.: 07/18/SA/0015. Línea: Desarrollo de la Industria TIC
Proyectos de desarrollo de las TIC en Pymes
Descripción del proyecto: Smart Hotel Distribution for General Purpose: Nueva solución de Revenue Management System
para la optimización de la distribución en la venta de habitaciones de hotel.