Lola Buendía

BEONx is an ambitious project led by a team that is always up to the biggest challenges.

Alex Barros

BEONx is one of the most exciting and ground breaking project have ever been part of. The team is committed to drive change globally and create value to customers and to travellers. It leverages all the experience I have gathered in marketing, sustainability, loyalty, distribution, channel management, big data, customer journey, upselling, guest communications, immersive experiences and metaverse all in one one lens; it will transform the industry and help build a sustainable profitable future. Something I truly believe in. The founders are inspiring with their passion and determination to progress to raise to the top. Our team of beyonders are out of this world! Every day is an an adventure and we aim to reach new heights.

Emilio Galán

Maximizing profitability can only be achieved by connecting and automating the hotel’s techstack through artificial intelligence.

Rubén Sánchez

Driving disruptive technology for the hospitality sector to find its X factor is our mission, delivering total profitability and exponential revenues.

Ignacio Gómez-Moreta

I can say that working at BEONx is a challenge, a daily learning: innovation, continuous improvements/releases in our products, latest technologies… How is it possible? Because we have the best TEAM and we seek excellence in everything we do with the aim of offering the best product and the best service to all our customers. Proud to belong to BEONx!

Exp.: 08/22/SA/0012 . Línea 2022 Expansión internacional de Pymes.
Expansión internacional de las PYMES de la Comunidad de Castilla y León
Objetivo: “Conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo”
Actuación subvencionada: Participación en la feria FITUR (Madrid, Enero 2023)

Exp.: 03/18/SA/0022 Línea: Fomento de la innovación en Pymes
Proyectos de innovación en en ámbito tecnológico de las Pymes
Descripción del proyecto: Diagnóstico de ciberseguridad y seguridad IT de la plataforma SAAS de Beonx

Exp.: 07/18/SA/0015. Línea: Desarrollo de la Industria TIC
Proyectos de desarrollo de las TIC en Pymes
Descripción del proyecto: Smart Hotel Distribution for General Purpose: Nueva solución de Revenue Management System
para la optimización de la distribución en la venta de habitaciones de hotel.